Have been using these for a while now excellent bait from hinders and one of my go to pellets for catching Tench.
Hinders C Food Barbel Extra Hard Boosted Dumbell Hookbaits are long lasting, leave with confidence. They give the angler extra fishing time in the water, offer greater resilience to nuisance species, and crayfish. Needless to say we are always looking at improving our baits and to this end X-Hards have become even better offering the angler even more scope, and yet still retaining their awesome fish catching capabilities.
By utilising food grade hardening agents, we have made the baits more attractive, and yet increased the resilience to unwanted attention of other species. Hook ability is improved, drastically reducing the potential of splitting, which can be a problem with baits dried out too long.
C Food Barbel X Hard Hookbaits feature our C Food Base Mix which combines everything a barbel and chub could want, it is effective in all water temperatures and has proved itself on a number of different rivers. Spices, taste enhancers and natural feeding stimulants contained within C-FOOD ensure this bait will be accepted readily and quickly. Be confident in C-FOOD as we are sure it will catch and compete against any other bait out there.