Quality as always from Hinders and smell nice how could the fish resist.
Quality as always from Hinders and smell nice how could the fish resist.
Quality as always from Hinders and smell nice how could the fish resist.
July 17, 2017 2 min read
Well then guys! I have just recently come back from Ivy House Lakes. With the idea in mind of trying to get the Mrs into fishing, we set off mid evening around half 5. After arriving at the complex of lakes, I decided to set up on Willow. The reason being as my Mrs was with me and I wanted her to have a few fish. Shortly into the session, in fact less than half an hour of getting the rods out, fishing mesh bags of chopped Nut 365 boilies I was away with the first fish. At this point I thought right, the fish are on the bait so it shouldn't take long to have another straight after. I was wrong.
I got the rod that went off back out and it was maybe around an hour for the next bite, with this pattern commencing for the next 4 fish I decided to get the Hinders New Betalin & Plumout of my bag. Now dipping the hookbaits in the Betalin and Plum seemed to really get the fish going, I was having bites every 10-15 mins, managing to bag my 14th fish, before I knew it night had settled in and the lake switched off. Morning had come and unlike the evening before where it all kicked off, the day time bites were really quite slow so I decided to keep fishing mesh bags on my left hand rod which accounted for 2 more fish and my right hand rod I decided to cast around a single 10mm fluoro wafter which I had been dipping in the Betalin and Plum before casting. 4 more bites and it was time to get the gear packed away and head home. We finished on 20 fish in the end and I loved this session and its safe to say, so did my Mrs. I hope you enjoy the pictures and until next time. Get out there and get on the Betalin and Plum!!
Quality as always from Hinders and smell nice how could the fish resist.
Quality as always from Hinders and smell nice how could the fish resist.
Quality as always from Hinders and smell nice how could the fish resist.