Have been using these for a while now excellent bait from hinders and one of my go to pellets for catching Tench.
Hinders Carp Krunch is a chunky combo of easy to prepare particles with great holding power. Probably one of the best spod/spomb particle mixes available, it keeps them grubbing about for ages, and because of the thirteen mixed seeds and pulses the taste attraction is massive, as is the continual need for mechanical digestion.
This mix attracts everything, so bear that in mind, but also use it to your advantage. Throw in a few large pulses or nuts to give it another edge. Brilliant with maize, maples and tigers, of even broken brazils fished over the top. So easy to prepare (pre soak in cold water for 6 hours, bring to the boil and simmer for 15 mins for the perfect preparation) simply one mix that keeps on catching wherever it's used. Add some Tiger Slime or flavoured milk to give it a visual edge as well.