September 09, 2019 2 min read

With a two night session a head of me and armed with the new Beta'nana. I headed to my chosen venue in far from perfect conditions. With the forecast of heavy rain, sunshine and cloud I was certainly going to be up against it, but with strong northerly winds I felt I knew where the fish would be. I finished my 12 hour night shift at 6am and was at the lake by 7:30am. After 2 laps I was none the wiser of the fishes whereabouts. I went with my gut instinct and set up on the back of the strengthening northerly wind. Bait wise I came armed with a large bucket of hemp, tigers, Beta'nana boilies and lots of chilli hemp oil. I had mixed sized Beta'nana boilies and plenty of crumb. My gut instinct was luckily correct and I managed 3 bites that first day. Unfortunately losing two due to a hook pull and a snag.

The first fish being a scraper 20lb mirror.
As evening fell I topped up the spots with around a kilo of bait and also added some Little Gemz pellets. Shortly after dark I could hear the occasional fish rolling out in the gloom. With confidence sky high I retired to bed around 11:30pm. I was soon dragged from my slumber by a screaming fox alarm. The first fish of the night gave a good account for itself and topped the scales at 28lb. I took a few snaps and I was soon back in the land of nod. Just before first light the middle rod went into meltdown. Instantly I knew I was connected to a better fish as it took 25 yards of line when I picked the rod up. After a rather epic battle a decent angry mirror looked up at me from the folds of my net. On the scales the long scaly fish went a tad over 35lb. I managed a further 3 fish that trip including a second thirty at 31lb 12oz. Just before I finished packing away I managed one more bite.
A cracking 27lb linear.

Craig Runham