August 01, 2017 2 min read

Well this weekend saw me and dad up against some major competition in our BCAC semi final on B2. We knew that a top half draw would see us in the area we wanted to be and as long as lady luck was on our side, we backed our ability to be abler o land a few. Going into the match bait would be paramount and lots of it! We managed to collate 5kg of Tails Pro Marine, 5kg of Hinders Hemp, 10kg of Hinders Medium Elips Pellets and 20kg of sweet corn, alongside some matching oils. This was all mixed into a very large bucket and left to soak whilst we travelled to the draw area.
Stood nervously, dad was adamant we would come first out the hat, to which I replied he was stupid. A moment later as our names were called first, i was the one looking stupid. Not surprisingly we chose the point area. It is consistent and that is exactly what we needed during the match; consistency. The match began very slow for most and by Saturday morning we were sat in sixth position on three fish. The weather had been awful and rained persistently until this point, however as the sun began to shine, the fish expectantly turned up in our area. The day was a flash of spodding, catching, weighing and photographing as we managed to end the day in first position.
Again the night was quiet as one of the worst storms I've ever fished in hit B2 with vengeance! As we awoke we were third and only 80lb or so ahead of the chasing pairs. Again, we got to work and with only 7 hours sleep in 48, spodding at 100 yards as regular as we were was becoming tiring. The fish obliged and we managed to catch half a dozen more fish, including some lovely mid twenties which bumped our score to 382lb and confirmed us in a qualifying third position. Its safe to say we were very tired, but elated with such a fantastic result.